Monday 3 November 2008

Give me an R-O-C-K-Y!!!

So this past weekend being Halloween we were good on Friday and handed out candy to all of the little goblins and ghosts and then went to a bon-fire down the street for a few hours. I don't think I really stopped on Saturday at all got up, went to the barn, cleaned stalls, rode for about 45 Min's, went home, showered, went straight to dance rehearsal for Scrooge, went home, showered (again) left again for dinner and Rocky Horror Picture show with my Sister, Jen and Char. It was wild and so fun live vs. movie I've got to say I prefer live. I am a little bias as I knew a few people in the cast so that made it all the more fun and I won a pair of crazy feathered eye lashed in the auction that they had at intermission. Aren't the fabulous?? I don't know where I would wear them maybe next year I'll do Rocky.

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